Brighton protest against the Co$ June -97

In our continued campaign to make sure that Duke the Dog gets to see large segments of England, we congregated on Brighton on the south coast.

The contingent of protesters were Xemu in costume, Dave and Duke, Martin P. with two friends and my humble self.

Discussion in front
of Dianetics Center We went to the Dianetics center first. A person came out soon enough, and we had a little chat. Xemu crossing from the left to the right, Dave in the foreground right, in front of Duke. Although Duke, the wonderful trooper, was ready to spring to the defence in case the locals showed the same enthusiasm for physical means of communication as in London, nothing adverse happened.

In fact, the clams in Brighton were very well behaved. They assured us they welcomed the protesting... We'll just have to do it again.

Xemu in discussion
with hard-case clam

Noting that there was a distinct lack of action at the Dianetics center, we asked a passer-by is there were any other hot-spots of theta in the town. He kindly gave us direction to the shopping district with the $cientology org.

We found ourselved outnumbered approx. 1 to 2, and spent most of our time talking to the counter-"protesters". Mostly, these were nice people. The one in the picture insisted, for some reason, on taping everything Xemu said.

More pictures from Brighton

Reports from
Dave B.
Martin P.
Xemu (Roland RB.)

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Last modified: Tue Feb 10 16:54:03 CET 1998