Pictures from protest against the Co$, Brighton, May 22nd 1999

The new Brighton org This is the Brighton org, a new location for us. There used to be two shops, but I guess $cientology is expanding....

The shop is on the third floor.

photo: Roland R-B.
Local kids share their opinion of the Co$ with clams Who knows how long the org will last, though. Very soon after we pulled up for our noon pre-demo, a group of loal kids joined the protest and were very keen on sharing their point of view (that "$cientologists are a bunch of weirdos!!)

The Churchill Square irregulars, I guess ;-)
Locals helping out with banner There was no keeping these kids away, and it was a good thing that we had to break for lunch before their enthusiasm got the better of them.

photo: Roland R-B.

Reports from Brighton

Report by Hartley P.
Report by Roland R-B.
Report by Dave B.

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Last modified: Mon Jun 21 09:59:09 CEST 1999