Dave and Duke the dog. Duke is the mascot of the ASRSCC-UK (tinarscc)
chapter. He is kitted out with waterwings, so as to prevent him from
drowning if, ehh, someone with a vested interest therein should
throw him in a pool... Dave was plenty loud with the megaphone.
Steve A showing the clam-seat which so effectively shows Hubbard's
view on evolution, and our opinion of said view.
This is why we handed out so many leaflets.. Roland with his raygun in
the foreground, non-a.r.s. protester to his left. We had this kind of
coverage on both approach directions, on both sidewalks. Topping this,
we had Dave right at front of the org with the megaphone, flanked by
Steve A and myself. I feel kind of sorry for the general public ;-)
Protester on the right having the right idea about wearing a hat, but
I don't want to know what he did back on Markab.. Protester in the
middle showing off an amazingly attractive picket poster (so, it's one
of mine, so sue me..). Martin Poulter on the left in the wollen hat.
Richard Woods (husband of Bonnie - GO BONNIE, GO!!) discussing the
civil arrest he just made of the nasty piece of work on the left (a
clam). The police concluded that there wasn't anything for them to do
this time 'round, and that they would haul in both of them the next
Jacques Vollet of OSA-Invest Europe. He's holding up a picket sign
(from the 3 1/2 hour late three-poster "counter demo") with a text
which must mean as much to the average bypasser as Hubbard's views in
It was a very sunny day, hence the very bright photos. The film simply
couldn't cope with the contrast - and I might have over-exposed some
of them a bit..
Duke the ARSCC-UK (tinarscc) mascot, looking splendid in his
waterwings, ready for any slimy clam who might want to chuck him in
the harbour (Poole is on the coast).
Protesters as far as the eye can see. The guy with the radical haircut
on the left is Martin Poulter. Protester on the right holding up a
very nice sign (these weren't my signs, but they were nice!)
Clam lady. I'm pretty sure she's the high-placed OSA woman mentioned
in reports. Pleasant enough (i.e. kept her TRs in, in spite of her
negative feelings about the demo - just like a robot..)
Two clams. I guess the guy on the right is OSA, he didn't do much
except take photos (and engage Dave in some dev-T). Lady on the left
is foot-clam, handing out OCA tests. They did not have any
copyrights printed on the side with the questions, and I informed her
that Co$ didn't actually have the copyright to those questions..
Valiant protester on the left, brandishing her two signs and not
yielding a nano-meter to the harassing clam. (This one seemed like
OSA, to me.) She was getting sterling assistance from a member of the
general public (grinning to her right in picture - just
visible). After a while, I did the "Don't talk to me"/turnabout thing
on the clam, and he went away and bothered Dave.
Three clams dev-T'ing Dave. Local chief on the left, OSA-type in the
middle with tape recorder, and (I think) foot-clam just visible to the
left of Dave. Martin quickly joined them with his tape recorder.
Three clam recruiting ladies. They were good. They were doing a
"survey," and body-routing. The one in the middle was very keen on
having her picture taken.
Right when we were pulling out, the OSA types showed up with a poster
of their own (three hours this time, pathetic response-time!). Martin
centre left and Dave centre right sensed a perfect
photo-op. Unfortunately, Duke got missed out on this shot, sorry.
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