More pictures from protest against the Co$, London, July 18th 1998

Pictures by Roland R-B.

Co$ staffers

Camera Shy Staffer

Camera Shy Staffer
Caroline Staffer
Caroline, staffer

Coco thinks
Coco thinks...
Constipated Staffer
Constipated staffer

Staffer taking pictures of Dave's T-shirt
Staffer taking pictures of Dave's T-shirt


Myself, standing to attention ;-)
Seriously, Roland managed to get a nice shot of me (I can't have been looking...)

Two cops and Dave+Jens
Dave and myself talking to two police-persons.


Myself, standing to attention ;-)
Seriously, Roland managed to get a nice shot of me (I can't have been looking...)

Two cops and Dave+Jens
Dave and myself talking to two police-persons.

Photo from the Liberty (NCCL) AGM, July 18th

Paul Landon (left) and Jacques Vollet (right)
Paul Landon (left) and Jacques Vollet (right) during the lunch-break of the Liberty AGM.

Photo by: Jens T.

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Last modified: Mon May 24 18:12:15 CEST 1999