More pictures from protest against the Co$, London, June 10th 2006
Setting up demo. "Charlotte" showing off an excellent Xenu costume.
Enthusiastic leafletting clam.
Oooh, look, we're being photographed! Do you think they know where we live??
Long-suffering DSA having finished one round of attempting to
intimidate us with a camera.
Grumpy leafletting clam. She did occsionally try to shout us
down. Didn't work.
A.n.other leafletting clamette. I guess my camera was having a ladies
day, refusing to focus when the subject was a clamette.
A picture brings joy
Grumpy leafletting clamette not having her mood improved by Tony. Awwhh...
Enthusiastic leafletting clam doing it all wrong. He'd block
pedestrians, then walk alongside them trying to get them to take the
leaflet, then reading to them them if they managed to resist that
What a pest.
In the foreground, we show how it's done: Have a leaflet that people
might want. Offer it to them without trying to force it on them.
"Right! Go out and take some more pictures!! That'll make them go away!!!"
After the police had approved of a split-up leafletting arrangement,
we stuck to our assigned spaces, while the clams continued to occuypy
all of the pavement, all over the place...
Clams leafletting with enthusiasm.
Clamette leafletting out of place
Late arriving leafletting clam
Showing off the world cup to the public? I thought that there was
rules about that kind of thing...
New Org, Whitfield Street, door
Photographer getting caught in the frame, there.
The clamette insisted that I could not take pictures. I'm afraid
that I could.
New Org, Whitfield Street, building.
Only one street in from Tottenham Court Rd, and already no foot
traffic at all.
Last modified: Sun Jun 18 18:49:34 BST 2006