Pictures from protest against the Co$, Manchester, May 30th 1998

Captions/photos by Marcus H.

Signs at demo prep Backs of signs The SPs prepared for the picket at the pub. The landlord and regulars (one of whom can be seen in the second picture) seem to be very supportive. Here are the six double sided signs we use.
Manchester Org The org, in all its glory. Note the respective size given to the "Dianetics" and "Scientology" signs.
Demo activity SPs flanked the org throughout the afternoon.
OSA photographer This guy came out with an antique camera and took pictures of all the picketers. We were happy to pose for him (as it seems the passerby in the shades was for me!). Incidentally, this is the same man who came out and talked to us on the 6th of April, displaying great nonconfront and claiming to be "just a student".
Protest + Co$ reaction: stress-test sign Towards the end of the day, the Scienos rolled out their "Free Personality Test" sign. The picket continued without any perceptible change.
Marcus Hill himself Just as we were leaving for the pub, I realised that there was one SP who hadn't been in any of the photos, so I got someone else to take a picture of me. Note the standard issue uniform.
Bibendum est The SPs sat down for a drink after a hot day's work.

Reports from Manchester

Marcus H.

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Last modified: Sat Jun 13 20:32:55 CEST 1998