An unannouced picket against the $cientology org in Poole. Since the org is not where the body-routing is done, we converged on the little square on the high street where the body-routers congregate. We were - unfortunately - without picket signs, but made of fir this by having Xemu in costume and balloons!
Apologies for the image quality this time, the shots were taken on a wide-angle lens and then scanned at high resultion (to get the interesting parts blown up). Not a good idea...
Roland in the background wearing the excellent Xemu costume. Dave
mounting a string on yet another balloon, and an anonymous newcomer
shuffling uninflated balloons about. The long strings holding the
balloons did create some problems, in that the strings got all tangled
up, and the balloons were difficult to hand out at the rate they were
The balloons featured the words "Xemu loves you" and a great piece of
ASCII art by Dave. The cards attached to the end of the string had a
brief discussion of Xemu on one side (ending with the sentiment "Blow
up balloons, not volcanos!") and a mentioning of "the clam" on the
other side.
Ready for any unsuspecting member of the general public. The light
blue leaflets sported by Martin and the anonymous protester were my
own humble contribution (words
here). Duke the dog must have been temporarily occupied somewhere
The person in the center wearing a red jacket had just thrown away the
leaflets of the anonymous protester on the right. No doubt, this is
what "free speech" means to $cientologists - you can say anything
they like and they'll tear up your leaflets if you say
anything else. Before this, she had apparently thrown away Martin's
leaflets. The woman in the foregound is a passer-by, no doubt
wondering what on earth is going on.
When I made it to the scene of the leaflet-snatching, the clamette was
less than thrilled at the idea of having her picture taken, and hid
behind the guy with the shirt/tie/glasses. She came out after a
while. Her insistence that I didn't have the right to take her picture
is brought into context here (the guy in the left at the back was one
of several clams who were all over the place taking pictures of the
protesters). Maybe she thought that only clams have the right to take
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