Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. J Tingleff and E Lindberg Structural Synthesis in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Copenhagen 1991

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  2. D G Haigh, C Toumazou and J Tingleff On the Design of Continuous-Time Active Filters at Microwave Frequencies using GaAs Technology in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Copenhagen Sept 1991
  3. J Tingleff and O Tingleff Addressing methods for Processor Farms with Tree Structures in Nordic Transputer Applications, edited by L Annell and M Törngren, IOS Press 1991, Amsterdam
  4. J Tingleff and C Toumazou Current Mode Continuous Time Wave Active Filters Electronics Letters 28(5), 1992 pages 463 - 464
  5. J Tingleff and C Toumazou CMOS integrated Current Mode Wave Active Filters in Proceedings of the 35th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Washington DC, Aug 1992, IEEE
  6. J Tingleff and C Toumazou Low sensitivity simulation of LC Lattice sections using the Current Mode Wave Active topology Electronics Letters 29(4), 1993, pages 396 - 398
  7. J Tingleff and C Toumazou Current Mode Wave Active simulation of a linear phase LC filter using a Lattice section in Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Davos Sept 1993
  8. J Tingleff and C Toumazou A 5th order lowpass Current Mode Wave Active filter in CMOS technology Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 7(2), March 1995, pages 131 - 138
  9. J Tingleff and C Toumazou Integrated Continuous Time Current Mode Wave Active filters based on lossy integrators IEEE Transactions CAS part 1 42(5), May 1995, pages 237 - 244
  10. J Tingleff and C Toumazou Biquads and allpass functions in Current Mode Wave Active filters Electronics Letters 30(16), 1994 pages 1265 - 1266.
Last modified: Fri Nov 19 18:30:00 CET 2010